





  2005年,创办艺术儿童工作室, 实践全新的美术教育方法,并在新浪网站上开通“美术空间”论坛,直接面对家长进行普及。

   由于成功倡导了先进教育理念,2007 年初,工作室被授予“中国美术家协会少儿美术艺委会 “ 艺术儿童 ” 美术教育活动基地”,同年被授予 “联合国儿童基金会早期儿童综合发展项目艺术教育研发基地” 。2008 年,与中国儿童艺术剧院一起被新浪网络评为 “ 最受网友欢迎的艺术团体 ” ,“ 艺术儿童工作室快乐启蒙课程 ” 获全国优秀课程奖。

   同年,《CHINA DAILY》(《中国日报》)以CHILDREN OF REVOLUTION(儿童的解放)为题整版报道胡暁珮女士为解放儿童创造力所做出的努力为题整版报道胡暁珮女士为培养中国儿童创造力所做出的努力。




Painting words from littles
By Cheng Anqi
When all the lights in Qian He residents area are lit up, white or yellow, the pretty colorful pigment shine out with gentle beams from a set of French windows at the first floor always bring warmness and recall the days of childhood to the passers-by.
Unexpectedly, the small apartment that situated in group of structures is the research base of United Nations Children's Fund (Unicef) for developing children's early comprehension art creation.
The Artchildren Studio, a kind of family art studio set on the fourth ring road and opened in 2005, quietly opens its doors every night to little kids sent by their parents. Last Thursday, Hu Xiaopei, studio's founder and teacher, together with her assistant girl Hai Luo, figured on giving a special present to every pupil as a souvenir that can take their farewell of the past 2007.
"The keepsake was a accordion fold book, I hope them limn the things or people that interested them in 2007. It might be family, peers, surrounding, or animal." Hu said. "It could be a progress, a happiness, a story or four seasons."
She was in no hurry to handed out blank books. She stood in front of children sitting around table, explaining that the book was originated in Ming Dynasty and let them imagine what was the book like. Every free answer from kiddies was surprised her, "fun!", "hill!", "saw tooth!", "accordion!".
Hu and her husband Wang Dawei were both graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts. Decade ago, Wang set his first personal painting exhibition in Germany and signed two-year contract with local gallery. "Then we settled in there and during that time, My friends sent me their kids' art works, wondering whether there could be a exhibition for children, which really inspired me to carry out the plan."
She had since got round trip between Germany and China to collect the kids' pictures and arranged the anticipant exhibition in phases. "I selected the work from my modern aesthetic angle, not fixed mode set by some Children Palace in China."
Even though, the satisfactory 180 art works rippled Hu's nerve one day before the German show in 2000. The display was set in Germany Youth Art College in Brandenburg. Pictures made by Chinese kids were hang side to side on lunette while its counterpart, Germany picture, were hang on the other side.
"Seeing these works, Enola, the curator, asked me 3 questions, which struck me to dumb." Hu still has bear that questions in remembrance. Firstly, why did works from 180 children seemed to be like instructed by only 10 teachers, and were full of stereotypes; Then the creation issue. Enola hardly understand that a portrait of man in great age was depicted so in detail that every single wrinkle in his face could even be traced out, which was not supposed to be attributed by a little child. On the other hand, Chinese kids creative space were all fenced up and that reflected on the drawing papers.
When works were put side by side, the whole effect prove Enola's worry. "To detract visitors' attention on the problems, we relocated the pictures and set them on the wooden frames, and then have them S shaped." Hu recalled. "The questions enable me to find out the gap and lay stress on education of beauty, creation and inspiration." Hu said. "Kids, wherever they come from, present strong sensibility on colors, and the problem is on schools and families."
Never had the 39-year-old considered herself dealing with children, but she was happy to devote herself to dig children's inspiration on art creativity.
Since 2002, she devised China International Children art Exhibition Tour in Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Belgium and Greece. 2004 saw the first painting exhibition by Chinese kids in Egypt and Turkey.
"When the trip finished, the kids said that they'd heard Picasso, but their little foreign friends asked them who's China's master of ink-and-wash paintings. They can tell legend of Aegean but got a puzzled face when talking about Mythical Legends of Mountains and Seas in foreign group." Hu was surprised that the extraordinary power from international activity brought a lot to the kids. "One child told me that houses in Germany were old but designed decently and self-painted, and she wanted to do the same way."
The art studio has been running two years and is decorated with children's artwork, animate style pictures, plaster cast, mini-houses made of branch, masks and their happy memory photos.
"I hung their pictures as long as they'd like to." He said, pointing a "shark" one. It comprise three colors, green, occupies upper paper, purple takes the other half, and a black shark curves upward in the middle. "It's simple, but lovely and he wants me to find a space on the wall."
Wang Ziqi, 5, one of her pupil, came to the studio two weeks ago and considered the Christmas tree on the paper only be a triangle and can be instead by no other shape. He previously learned drawing at a training center for children, where imparted drawing skill in a monotonous and fixed layout. "It's sad when he was hard up for any ideas of shape. A string of cakes, end by end, of five-pointed stars, of cars or apples are all ok, children's mind are like kaleidoscope!"
In a child's life, the first five years are perhaps the most important. It is scribbling stage. During this time a child develops traits in learning, attitude, and self esteem. Art can significantly contribute to a child's development. Free Art creation encourages a child to interact with his environment.
So Hu keep her own image on painting class but let them go in a free drawing style, and no eraser on the table. "They've get use to draw without eraser, not because they master any skill but to change the slip of pen into another part of art. There's no right or wrong, pro and con in children painting."
The studio gives teamwork task as well. "I offer sets of building blocks at do-it-yourself courses. They piles up blocks into various shapes of houses and what we I do is just tell to link the buildings as a neighborhood, including roads, park, community, hospital, etc."
Hu emphasized that Nation and society hardly survive without art, just like people cannot breathe without air. Art education in family has been a key word in developed country. They take it as a natural activity and part of their life, like Going to art gallery, museum or concert. They provide an excellent chance and environment for family art education, which indicates that we have much leeway to fetch up.
A recent survey shows that museum and concert goers makes up 70%, 60% in Germany. Americans makes less but attach high attention on kindergarten art education while free access to the museum in Japan. Hong Kong China offers art lectures, which are admitted gratis in holiday and are receive support from government.
"I hope more families are well aware of the important of aesthetic education in family." Hu said.
One and a half hour class was coming to the end. Every child left a symbol on the cover of the accordion folding book and expand it the dry the pigment. Parents came in with curiosity and couldn't wait to their babies scribbling works one by one. Some of parents looked bewildered on the variably colored book, but feel that only the studio enable the kids create iridescence.